Our work helps families to plan their future.


Our advice helps you to achieve your goals.


We create a plan to enable your financial freedom.


Helping you to share your wealth and support the next generation.


Powering your future

It isn’t the amount of wealth that matters most, it’s what you do with it that counts.

With our help, your wealth becomes the fuel that powers your future – a means of enjoying the life you want and looking after those you love. Whatever your goals and wherever you are in life, we build a financial plan that’s fit for the weeks, months and years ahead.

Effective planning to create the future you want.

What will your future be like? It can be easy to think of the future as being unknowable, but planning ahead can smooth out many of the uncertainties and help your goals and aspirations become reality. When we work with you, we always encourage you to consider the future you want – and then we help make it happen.

Planning helps you…

  • Identify goals and aspirations
  • Make important decisions today
  • Look after those you love
  • Look forward to the future with confidence

A sound investment in your future.

Investing for the future is fundamental to most people’s financial plans, but understanding how, why and what to invest in requires specialist expertise. We understand that your ideal investment strategy depends on many factors, but by getting to know your reasons for investing and your attitude to risk, we can give you the comprehensive advice you need.

The value of an investment with St. James’s Place will be directly linked to the performance of the funds you select and the value can therefore go down as well as up. You may get back less than you invested.

Our investment planning helps you…

  • Understand your investment options
  • Spread your investments across the most appropriate assets
  • Make the right choices for you and your family
  • Build a balanced, diversified investment solution

Preparing for a richer retirement.

Most people like to look ahead to an enjoyable retirement. For many, it represents the stage of life that will give them time and space to pursue their personal passions. But it takes planning to achieve the retirement you want, and not everyone has the foresight to make the right choices today.

Retirement planning helps you…

  • Prepare for the future you want
  • Optimise your financial arrangements today
  • Plan for life’s ups and downs
  • Look forward to retirement with confidence

Protection for you and your loved ones.

We can’t see into the future, but we can help you plan for events that might happen and that could have a major impact on you, your family and your wealth. By understanding your situation in detail, we can help protect you from life’s many storms, both minor and major.

Protection planning helps you…

  • Prepare for life’s uncertain events
  • Protect your wealth from excessive tax liabilities
  • Shield your income from the impact of illness
  • Protect your loved ones if anything happens to you

Although you may have firm ideas about who will benefit from your wealth in the event of your death, making sure your intentions are carried out smoothly can be complex.

All kinds of events can end up knocking your plans off course, and it takes expert advice to make sure your wealth is protected for future generations.

Our team guides you through the process of planning the legacy you will one day leave behind. We consider the effects of inheritance tax and the possibility of unexpected events, making sure your wealth is retained and protected for those you love.

The levels and bases of taxation and reliefs from taxation can change at any time. The value of any tax relief depends on individual circumstances.

Legacy Planning helps you…

  • Make sure your wealth is passed on in the way you want
  • Minimise inheritance tax and capital gains tax
  • Create a legacy that passes to multiple generations
  • Protect your estate and assets

A firm financial footing for your business.

Running a business is hard work and it’s important to ensure your hard work is creating financial security. You and your employees all rely on your business, and taking steps to secure its financial future is all part of being successful at what you do.

Financial planning for your business helps you…

  • Secure your business’s financial future
  • Look after your finances and those of your employees
  • Build a stronger, healthier business
  • Feel confident that your business is well prepared for success

A service built around you.

Personal financial advice you can trust

Some people like to see big numbers – and we’re happy with that. We understand that it’s reassuring to know we help over 10,000 clients with around £3 billion of funds under management, and have a network of over 50 expert advisers around the UK.

But the numbers don’t tell the full story. Because at the heart of these figures are the personal relationships we build – the in-depth understanding that comes with regularly meeting face-to-face. Every financial plan we put together is built on this understanding, always with the aim of achieving each client’s personal goals.

Personal service, modern approach.

We are committed to helping you manage your wealth in a way which reflects your personal circumstances.
My Advice Portal, our online advice hub, makes receiving our friendly, professional advice even more convenient.

advice portal transparent border
  • Personal Account

    Help manage your finances using your own secure, personal account.

  • Easy Approvals

    Electronic signatures to reduce paperwork

  • Advice Sessions

    Online sessions with your Adviser through our virtual ‘Client Meeting Rooms’

  • Document Vault

    Securely store important policies


Talk to our team on 0113 254 9666 or fill in the form below and we will contact you.

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